I do not want to introduce myself first, because an escort teeny is responsible for the sex, you certainly know about that well enough. What you may not yet know are the details. You will notice this when you call me. I’ll show you how I imagine sex. You may be surprised that some ideas may differ from yours. This will allow you to get to know new areas and explore a country that may have been previously unknown to you.
WhatsApp: 0152 59 97 34 03
Tel.: 0152 59 97 34 03
Age: 18
Breast: 75 C
Waist: 30
Height: 160
Body hair: hairless
Nationality: Turkey
Languages: German and English
Golden Shower: 10 €
Dildo games (active): 10 €
Dildo games (passive): 10 €
Lesbian games: 20 €
Kissing with tongue: 10 €
Erotic massage: 15 €
Facial: 20 €
Multiple men 30 min. 1 man: 40 €
Couples (man and woman): 40 €
Striptease: 10 €
Bi, service for woman: 60 €
Doctorgames: 30 €
Roleplaying Special: 30 €
Outdoor Sex: 30 €